Sunday, November 15, 2009

SIMS BURGER by: Monterey Bay Builders

Today’s Sunday Morning SB Group Ride (SIMS BURGER) was a great affair and is brought to us by Monterey Bay Builders. If you need some work done by a reputable and great local builder, then call Monterey Bay Builders today! (831) 384-5573.

I figure it’s only appropriate to throw a shout to MBB, because Nathan was like a rabid dog on the start, setting a blistering pace up the first climb and then Anthony held down the fort when we were slogging away, lost, out of food and water and still a looong way from the truck!

The ride itself was incredible! We manipulated last weeks loop and somehow ended up with even MORE climbing and MORE fun trails! YES! Double wammy! We topped out the climb and SFSSS (Super Fast Single Speed Steve) had a bit of a stomach issue so he called it in early, so we were forced to cut our group of 6 to 5.

We dropped into Demo in front of about 18 riders and I was wondering if they were going to catch us. And I shouldn’t have doubted it for a second because the SB Racing Team is not afraid of anything! The guys were hauling butt! We even stopped to hit a cool new teeter-totter obstacle, some jumps and Nathan and Greg took the “A” line into Sawpit – big drops and all! Nice job guys!!! The climb out was new as we hooked a left at Albuquerque and the pain was severe…Especially near the top where it was pretty much a hike-a-bike…or a pedal until you puke and crash over on your side as I aptly demonstrated!

Travis had his super cool Specialized S-Works 29er up to speed and was easily riding the single track with all-time best form. And by the end of the day, logs that resulted in a dismount earlier in the day were being cleared by everyone. Nice learning curve! I figure if you drag people over enough logs they will get tired of carrying their bikes after the 87th log and just learn to jump the suckers! Turns out this theory has some merit!

Pretty much a super sweet day of pedals, good times and fun with friends! Greg had a great time on his maiden voyage to the forest (“Welcome to the Jungle, we’ve got fun and games!”) and put his Pink Specialized in the front on the climbs and was hanging it out on the downs with the best of them! I could have gone without the spill at that resulted in a huge scrape and golf ball sized bump on my thigh, but I’ll chalk it up as a small price to pay for day like today…ahhhhh……

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