Tuesday, March 31, 2009


18 PSI, that's how much tire pressure I had in my rear wheel at the finish of Fontana on Sunday. Whew, that's cutting it close! But first, how was the course?

What turned out to be a very challenging course with what I have affectionately termed the "elevator shaft" and the "drop zone" sections, Fontana was definitely a true test of mountain biking skills! The "elevator shaft" was granny gear steep. In fact it was actually mountain goat steep because that's all you were doing at the top was hoping your hooves would dig into the steep slope as you pushed your trusty rig up to the peaks crest! Then what followed was probably one of the most technical single tracks I have ridden lately with rock steps, turns and steeps that also required some running (errr...more accurately stumbling!) that was only made all the more interesting by the combination of oxygen starved lungs, burning legs and crosseyed vision from the granny goat climb seconds before hand...Unless you are Adam Craig who had a single 36T ringer up front!!! WHAT!!!

From there, the course was more familiar with a paved road climb, fun single tracks, and the same fast flat out power roads and that short technical climb through the rocks right before getting to the finishing zone...that little climb is a toughie with me running it once and lots of people never making it at all! Sheesh, maybe Nike should be a series sponsor!

Besides the Elevator Shaft, the Drop Zone was a typical Fontana drop down from single track to fire road with scary ledges and a mix of DEEP, fine silt to send tires askew and riders over the handlebars for a nice powdering...While Chris M. bombed the section with the aplomb of a seasoned downhiller, I found a fresh line through the bushes in typical course cutting (I like to think of it as course "improvement") red neck dirt-sickle fashion on our pre ride! Still, I was nervous. So when we were warming up we rode out to the section to see that I wasn't the only one thinking that the silt filled staircase of doom looked sketchy as "my line" was now fairly worn in. Sweet. No worries there!

In the race, the line worked perfect for both me and CM. However, I had another line hopping up and over a square edged rock, which I NAILED the dog poop out of on my 2nd lap and all I heard was "PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!" accompanied by a low rider feeling in the back of my bike. "Uh Oh" was an emphatic understatement. I hoped and prayed that my trusty stans sealant would hold my tire onto the rim for the remaining 2.5 laps as I tempered my riding style from "crash my way through" to "ease my way around" I focused on pretending to be as light and nimble as Brett so that my bike wouldn't even know this fatty was riding it!

In the end it all worked out well. CM made huge gains and moved up quite a bit in the 40+ pack despite a stacked field. Brett struggled with bad allergies but got some more experience none the less and I proved that if you try real hard to be as light as a pair of foam grips that you can indeed ride 18 psi right to the podium.

On the local front, Bri continued her string of first place finishes despite fighting the onset of a nasty bug. She rode to victory yet again and is making great improvements at each event!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Napa Valley Dirt Classic COMING SOON!!!

Now is the time!!! For what you ask???

To get signed in for the Napa Valley Dirt Classic Of Course!!!!

See the link below? Go there!



Because this is a BIGGIE...

If you send your PRE-ENTRY in the next few days NOT ONLY DO YOU SAVE A WHOPPING 5 BUCKAROOOOOS, BUT (pay special attention here!!!) you get a sweet FREE (YES, YES, YES!!! I said FREE!!!!) T-SHIRT!!! You can't beat that deal ANYWHERE! I heard LA is even considering it if his c-bone work is all done in time!

So, Don't walk, RUN DAG-NABIT straight to the website listed above (hmm, ok, you are right, perhaps clicking would be the best route) and print out the entry form to be a an official part of this incredible deal. And don't just stop there! FILL THAT SUCKER OUT, WRITE THE CHECK, and PUT IT IN THE MAIL BOX WITH PROPER POSTAGE!!!

Don't wait, limited time offer...good only while supplies last...ok maybe not, but the trails will be good no matter what! 22miles of total MOUNTAIN BIKING FUN!!!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So I was out endurancing tonight and just basically riding my FAVORITE trail from cccx land...over and over and over basically just shredding it like 10 times in a row thinking that I was pretty bad ass. Then I meet up with an un-named rider on a SICK black Yeti who follows me around and down the trail that I have WIRED! Every bump corner and rut was under my control. As I descended down with reckless abandon (I know I am NOT the only one that tries to legitimately scare the crap out of themselves right?) dodging bushes, almost sliding out, feeling traction slip from "safe" to "road rash city" I get to the bottom and I felt like I put in a good run. But once there I look back and the nameless rider is RIGHT THERE!

Holy crap, looks like I need more practice!

Thanks for the bit of fun Steve and some added pressure. Hope you had a great ride!

Monday, March 23, 2009


So I tried to reply to the group email and I got DENIED. So here's my thoughts concerning Mr. Alex...

"is there a handicap for old guys"

WTF! Are YOU SERIOUS? Anyone who knows anything about pedal bike race results knows that it is a FACT that the "old guys" consistently smoke young guys! I think the young guys should get some sort of inexperience and "lack of cumulative years of training" miles in the legs handicap. I don't know where that leaves me, because I'm OBVIOUSLY too old to be a young guy (Bri will confirm...) and my status as a legit old guy is up for debate. Thus, I will just put my time to better use and mow through another box of "little debie's" while I watch some good 'ol red neck dirt bike racin...

Oh wait, there is a chance to win a limited edition, 100% genuine CB coaching shirt? Oh man, if we can get an original signature on that bad boy, it MIGHT be enough to lure me off the couch and put my cleat in the ring...errr, clips...

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Why do YOU ride your mountain bike?

Maybe you like the speed and adrenaline.

Maybe you like nature.

Maybe you like the physical test is puts upon you.

Maybe you like the thrill of competition.

Maybe you like the feeling of standing on top of the podium!

For me, it is all of these things. But mostly, it is for the adventure! I have always been a sucker for scaring myself in one way or another. Of course, I prefer to come out on the other side of each adventure/scare with no ill effects, but that doesn't always happen. Whether, it's crossing a river to ride at a special riding area as water crashes over the hood of your truck, or racing through a snow storm and hoping that someway, somehow you will see civilization...and more importantly a warm fire to thaw your frozen body!!!...sooner than later, or perhaps it is trying that obstacle that you are pretty sure will make you crash, but if you can conquer it, well then the world is your bitch for the rest of the day!

Whatever the reason, that is the kind of stuff I LIVE FOR! It seems like lately there isn't a minute that goes by that I don't think about, work on or do real estate. Even when I'm on my bike, I'm listening to real estate seminars! And most of the cycling I have done for the last few months has accumulated to the point where sometimes, I feel like a pack mule making my way along a prescribed route, happy when it will be done. Same routes, squeezed in between working at the office and then coming home to work some more. Over and over. Repeat. Day in and out.

But, last night, Greg and I ventured into Toro park and it was like getting on my bike for the first time in MONTHS! We climbed mountains, we got lost, we hiked our bikes, we scared ourselves out of our heads...we RODE OUR FREAKIN' MOUNTAIN BIKES LIKE THEY WERE MEANT TO BE RIDDEN BY GOLLY! It was easily the MOST FUN I have had on my bike...well since the last adventure that really tested me...muddy round #1.

As I was sitting at the dead end edge of a ridge looking at the "BFC" in front of me, I just thought to myself, "This is what it's all about. I am lost. I don't know the best way to proceed. I couldn't be happier!" This is why I ride my bike. I was VERY tempted to invent a new Brian Butler Special trail out of that canyon, but daylight and a more rational riding partner kept me from it. But, don't think I've forgotten that spot. And, don't think I won't be back. Because I will. To test myself. And whether I fail or succeed isn't the point. The point is having the courage to do what you love when presented with it.

Fortunately, for me, there was still a fine test of my courage that amounted to me scaring the bee-jee-visis out of myself. And I'm still here. Ready to fight another day. Sometimes we get so encrusted in the routine of life, it's nice to remember why we are here. And while I wish I knew why we were ALL here, I will settle for knowing why I am here.



Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Training Duo!

Looks like I am heading out to check this whole Tuesday night crit scene out tonight. I would rather be at a Tuesday night short track on fat knobby tires, with jumps, bumps and humps...or something like that, but this will do for now. In the meantime, these two look SUPER FAST! I am going to ask them for some pointers on how to find the trail to the top step of the podium!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Hills, Thrills and no spills...but MORE HILLS!!!

Wow, what a day! Bri started things off with a bang in the morning race where she rode off to victory and just extended her lead with the passing of each hill! Despite pushing so hard that she tossed her breakfast all over her lap, she never missed a pedal stroke (how many guys are that core!) en route to another visit to the top step of the podium!

Making a special appearance in the morning race were our friends Michele and Jerry who were tuning up for the Sea Otter...nothing gets you ready for racing like going racing! And boy did they get off to a great start with 2 podium finishes! Pre-riding the course Michele had a rough and tumble way of it, but in the race she pushed hard and was rewarded with a solid 3rd place finish among the girls! Jerry raced his SUPER clean and white retro Santa Cruz (Greg and James would definitely be jealous of this bike!!!!) and despite a sore back from a bungee jumping/skydiving/sumo wresting injury (or something like that...) the week before, he persevered to a solid 5th in his class, too! Nice work guys!

In the sport event, the competition looked fierce! Steve, Frank, Brett, and Bill looked like they were pedaling their hearts out. Brett improved from his finish last week thanks to some added climbing on the course and he looked good the whole event...and in what seems to be a theme, he got sick AFTER the race. But solid job! Steve and Frank missed the podium this week, but as I learned not every week is rainy and muddy..errr....rosy and happy??? But, we are using these races to improve right? So as long as you gave it your best effort, then you can't complain too much right? I didn't find out how Bill did yet, but I do know that I worried I would miss his bottle hand off (I am kinda like a butterfly and get SOOO EASILY distracted...), but I nailed the bottle trade and hopefully he turned in another solid finish.

The Expert/Pro race got underway with the COOLEST bike in the race DEFINITELY belonging to Mr. Linder...and even though it was Bike Race Sunday, he brought his Bike Friday, folding mountain bike, complete with 20" wheels and pretty much laid waste to the course! I will get a picture posted soon, but I've NEVER seen LITTLE wheels spin so fast and Jeff was legitimately RIPPING on that sucker!

As for the rest of the crew, Alex killed it today and went by me like my chain fell off. I tried to stay with him but there was no hope. James said he was stoked on how the Maverick tackled the course much better than last time on the stiffie...no doubt due to the spiffy new parts! Plus, he gave me some GREAT tips on how to get my bike half as clean as his! I am pretty sure that I could eat off James' drive train with no ill effects...

Greg was flyin' on the Pinky and ended up 3rd overall behind a hard charging 1-2 punch. For the short time that I saw those guys they were just throwing hammers at every wall they came to! Full on, out of the saddle sprints up EVERY hill it seemed like! Gnarly!!! Mark looked really good too...Bri said he just seemed to be gaining on people the more the race went on and I hear not only did he turn in a good effort today, but also got 2nd on the Tuesday night right on the new tubulars. Tubular!

Nathan and Travis both said the course was tough. I think they left whispering something about riding fun trails at Coe!!! More to come later in the week...but off to bed now...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Confessions...The Guilt...THE GUILT!!!!

I used to be a pretty happy-go-lucky-guy. But, NOW, with a former Nazi boot camp training Sergeant (or so I hear) watching my every move, I must admit, sometimes, I walk around more nervous than a beginner XC racer being shoved and pushed around as he stares up the start at Downieville just knowing that he is going to die! To think rationally or to freak out...these are the types of irrational thoughts that pedal endless laps around the gray matter XC course in my head...A sample of Brian's world follows:

"Dude, I am a giant SCREW UP!!! I just ate the biggest freakin' donut! Ugh! I have been SO GOOD! Seriously, NO donuts. NO home run pies. No freakin'nothing!!!!" Ok, there was a serious hit of doping candy after Sunday's roadie...BUT I EARNED THAT!!!

However, I figure, I burned like 6000 freakin' calories on Saturday, so 1 donut every couple months won't send the earth spinning out of control off it's axis right? Plus, did I mention 6000 calories? I am STILL HUNGRY FROM THAT! Good, I am glad we are in agreement and can move past this little hiccup. However, THAT IS NOT WHERE IT ENDS! It cannot end so simply, and that is because anyone that knows me well knows that I make lists...lists for everything...what to do at work, what to take to the races, what to do after work...and yes, even in this case, lists to justify my thoughts, they go something like this:

For the record:
  • The giant donut (apple fritter) was delicious.
  • Further, I am counting it as 7 helpings of fruits and vegetables for the day (remember the aforementioned "apple" part and it's sheer size)
  • I ate that sucker at like 9:30 and haven't been hungry for HOURS!!! Waaaay out of normal for me! This may mean I don't even need to eat again until tomorrow, possibly Saturday...
  • I know, I know, this does NOT earn me any extra brownie points and I may in fact now be back in brownie point deficit...
  • Although I am certainly NOT in calorie deficit...

Ah, welcome to my world. Aren't you glad you are just visiting and can leave whenever you like? I am forever trapped, without any hope for early parole and no sign of escape...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bike Shmike

So long story short... this a.m. my mtb bike had some minor major issues and I didn't get to go on a ride with my bestie and some other girls. :( I was so excited to ride with girls, no offense to all the jossies, but it was going to be so fun!! Instead I went for a nice road ride into Pebble Beach and had a great ride, I think all the cyclists were on their mtn bikes because there were hardly any roadies out. Brian fixed my mtn bike while I was on my road ride which I was so happy about because today is Michele's Birthday and we had a super fun afternoon ride scheduled. After Brian's grueling weekend on the bike he decided to join Michele, Jerry and I and we had a ton of fun. Brian tried to pull some fast ones on me and he was the one that ended up crashing, not ME!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Rain Rain...

Go away...or maybe here to stay?

So today was my third day in a row of riding with soggy feet, cold hands and generally a bad attitude! What tipped me over the edge was all of the sun I could see in Carmel. I may sit waaaaay back in my office, but I can usually discern sun and happy from rain and torment. So, glancing up occasionally from projects made me smile happily knowing I would finally get a nice day of dry pedal biking in.

NO SUCH LUCK! The MINUTE, I stepped out of the garage the GIANT freakin' dark cloud over my house let loose with a torrent of rain that would make Mosses flinch. The absolute, without a doubt, BEST PART, was that NO MATTER where you looked in ANY direction it WAS SUNNY! AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! In the few minutes it took me to meet up with Greg we were both soggy dogs and I WAS PISSED! I COULD LITERALLY SEE SUN and here we are stuck in a freakin' rain storm! Grrrr! We ended up pedaling AWAY from the rain (at least the dampness hasn't rotted out ALL of my brain cells...) and found sunshine. YAY!

Now, I know our faithful following of three fans, one goat and that strange pervert whom emails me occasionally...YOU are probably thinking "I thought BRIAN LOVES RACING IN THE RAIN! Doesn't that smart ass always want to do his rain dance to wreak havoc on the races?"

Let me be clear. RACING in the rain AND RIDING in the rain are NOT mutually exclusive. This means that I DO NOT have to endorse and/or advocate BOTH of these situations. Riding in the rain, you have NONE of the adrenaline, the will to persevere or just the general desire to kick ass and take names as RACING in the rain! Thus, RIDING in the rain takes colossal amounts of smiling, good attitude, and the ability to ignore cold feet without the nerve deadening adrenaline fuel of racing. So basically, it sucks.

What in the heck does all of this mean? Well, basically, can we please just get a break from the rain and enjoy riding our bikes in sunny California weather? I mean isn't that the reason that we tolerate overpriced dining, housing and general cost of living in order to ride year round in temperate weather? Sheeesh, how do people in Oregon, let along Wisconsin do this? I am such a wuss...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

7am couch canyon ride

So this is what happens when you go for a 7am ride the morning after it rained all night. It was so freaking muddy and slippery and I was all over the place. I called Brian mid ride to let him know that I crashed my brains out like 10 times and it was the hardest ride I have had in forever, trying to pedal through all of the mud. Anyway, that is enough of my silly little blog..... :) I know Brian's ranting is waaaay better than mine!!

The sweet gap that I unsuccessfully tried to jump over. This picture doesn't do it justice! I swear it was huuuuggeeee!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Few Pics from #2

Post race, and it looks like Joselyn's took home the lions share of medals!

This guy is thinking, "Man, I WISH I WAS A JOSEYLN's RIDER so I could be cool, too..."

Alex in full race face form, thinking about the rewards of another victory!

Travis is like "Dude, the course would be great...if it had 2,000ft of climbing per lap!"

James hammering away on the start\finish "climb" after being hammered by a cold all week!

Greg and Brian getting their skid on with Eric just behind out of sight...Skids are FUN!

A great day for breast cancer awareness, doping ridicule and in general pink racing exploits!

Luckily the photographer was there to take Bri's photo on the podium, since Brian missed it!! Where the heck was everyone at the finish?? We'll see if I cheer for anyone else!! :)