Thursday, March 19, 2009


Why do YOU ride your mountain bike?

Maybe you like the speed and adrenaline.

Maybe you like nature.

Maybe you like the physical test is puts upon you.

Maybe you like the thrill of competition.

Maybe you like the feeling of standing on top of the podium!

For me, it is all of these things. But mostly, it is for the adventure! I have always been a sucker for scaring myself in one way or another. Of course, I prefer to come out on the other side of each adventure/scare with no ill effects, but that doesn't always happen. Whether, it's crossing a river to ride at a special riding area as water crashes over the hood of your truck, or racing through a snow storm and hoping that someway, somehow you will see civilization...and more importantly a warm fire to thaw your frozen body!!!...sooner than later, or perhaps it is trying that obstacle that you are pretty sure will make you crash, but if you can conquer it, well then the world is your bitch for the rest of the day!

Whatever the reason, that is the kind of stuff I LIVE FOR! It seems like lately there isn't a minute that goes by that I don't think about, work on or do real estate. Even when I'm on my bike, I'm listening to real estate seminars! And most of the cycling I have done for the last few months has accumulated to the point where sometimes, I feel like a pack mule making my way along a prescribed route, happy when it will be done. Same routes, squeezed in between working at the office and then coming home to work some more. Over and over. Repeat. Day in and out.

But, last night, Greg and I ventured into Toro park and it was like getting on my bike for the first time in MONTHS! We climbed mountains, we got lost, we hiked our bikes, we scared ourselves out of our heads...we RODE OUR FREAKIN' MOUNTAIN BIKES LIKE THEY WERE MEANT TO BE RIDDEN BY GOLLY! It was easily the MOST FUN I have had on my bike...well since the last adventure that really tested me...muddy round #1.

As I was sitting at the dead end edge of a ridge looking at the "BFC" in front of me, I just thought to myself, "This is what it's all about. I am lost. I don't know the best way to proceed. I couldn't be happier!" This is why I ride my bike. I was VERY tempted to invent a new Brian Butler Special trail out of that canyon, but daylight and a more rational riding partner kept me from it. But, don't think I've forgotten that spot. And, don't think I won't be back. Because I will. To test myself. And whether I fail or succeed isn't the point. The point is having the courage to do what you love when presented with it.

Fortunately, for me, there was still a fine test of my courage that amounted to me scaring the bee-jee-visis out of myself. And I'm still here. Ready to fight another day. Sometimes we get so encrusted in the routine of life, it's nice to remember why we are here. And while I wish I knew why we were ALL here, I will settle for knowing why I am here.



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