Sunday, November 8, 2009

SMSBRGR – The Sims Burger

Hmm, not sure if the “Sims Burger” will take hold or not, but for everyone wondering just what in the heck this new burger is that In-N-Out must have added to the menu, let me shine some light…after all, we don’t want readers of this blog misinformed and ordering Sims Burgers at their favorite grease pit!

Sunday Morning SBRacing Group Ride = SMSBRGR = Sims Burger. Perfect!

While others were off jumping barriers and cross dressing, a few brave souls took to some choice Santa Cruz trails when it was still early and cold enough to see our breath in front of us…although, not cold enough to deter Mr. Marsiguerra from the standard issue “short/jersey” combo. That’s just madness! Good thing the first climb has a way of raising the core operating temperature in a hurry…

Our little group consisted of the above mentioned bikini model, Nathan, Anthony, Steve, Travis and myself. The surprise of the morning was the GORGEOUS Sexy Green Tranny that was along for the ride. Now, I know most of the cross dressers are out running and hoping as mentioned above, but Steve’s sweet green single speed is a thing of beauty regardless of your sexual tendancies! Did I mention SS? Oh yes, and I did I mention that BY FAR, AND UNANIMOUSLY AGREED UPON, the COOLEST ASPECT OF THE DAY was Steve’s ability to RIP OUR FREAKIN’ LEGS OFF!!!

Holy cow, looks AND intelligence…or in this case speed? Wow. I can’t say enough about Steve and the clinic he put on today. I was fortunate enough to keep him in site and take some notes, but by golly, that guy was simply amazing.

As for the rest of our group, we had an absolute ball! Trail conditions were near perfect and the pace was swift without being break-neck. Stops were kept to a minimum and trail carving got top priority billing over resting and talking (isn’t that for sissies anyway?). I think we even found a new trail or two for a few guys which always adds to the fun factor. Best of all, everyone rode great, seriously solid efforts by each and every one! Sounds like a Sims Burger is a pretty tasty treat after all!

Next week we are planning another SC loop and hitting some different trails. Should be equally fun if not more so! Travis, Nathan, Anthony, and Steve hit up a little barbeque place afterwards that I will definitely be partaking in as well. While a Sims Burger is satisfying, it just leaves you hungry for even more!

Great ride for all that made it!

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