Monday, April 13, 2009

Roll with it...

I hope this is a characteristic of things to come for me, but yesterday's SOC course pre ride was below what I was hoping for...and I didn't mentally flip out. You know, not quite eye of the tiger...maybe more like eye of the baby kitten. BUT, the strange thing was that while not making a bunch of excuses, I just accepted that you can't have your "best day" every single time you are on your bike. AND I did in fact have some SUPER duper sections that I managed to scare myself on, so really that is what I look for anyway...that whole fun and adventure thing! So what does all of this mean? I really don't know other than I can't wait to ride some more!

I can say one of the greatest things about mountain biking is all of the cool people you meet, and the Otter Pop definitely brings them to town. In the last week, we've been fortunate enough to meet Pro Woman Krista Park and her Single Speedin' Husband Todd and they are two of the nicest people you could ever talk to. If you see 'em in the pits or are at an event where Krista is doing a riding clinic I would highly recommend attending. I think their engineering background provides a methodical approach that can benefit most. Anyhow, Todd came out for our pre-ride yesterday and put down a SOLID time on his Single's fun riding with new people!

As for other notes, Bri, Allison and Shelly had a good pre-ride of the beginners girl course and I think Greg is definitely liking his stiffie as he put down a blazing time around the loop yesterday. I believe a spiffy new Chris Burnham coaching shirt is in his future!

Lastly, if you haven't been over to Todd Wells' site yet, he had a GREAT WC going, inside the top 10 before slipping back a bit. Between S. Africa and Fontana, those are the kinds of tough rides that ensure good finishes are just on the horizon! Check it:

1 comment:

Todd said...

Awesome ride yesterday; your team is super fast. I never even saw the other SSer after the start...