Friday, August 14, 2009

Revised Race Schedule

So I just love it when my perfectly laid plans are uprooted and turned into a quagmire of muck. Case in point. September and October were filled with fun weekends of racing. Pretty much perfectly spaced to maximize fun, interesting venues and calibre of events. Well, the SoCal guys decided to move State Championships and the last UCT race and no my nicely thought-out plans are just a little ball of poo poo. Great.

The new schedule looks like this:

Tahoe 50/100 - September 12

Bonelli Park XC and Super D State Championships - Sepetmeber 19/20 respectively

NorCal Round #7 OR State Championships - September 26/27 weekend.

So, while I have been known to hit "double header" race weekends in the past, it was typically at least within a few hour drive, certainly not the 12+ hours it would take to make it from Whiskeytown to Big Bear. Now the dilemma is this:

Super sweet, rocky, fun "core" mountain bike trails in Whiskeytown. Complete with awesome lake backdrop for kayaking and swimming


Drive through the hell hole known as LA in order to race the prestigious State Championships on a decent course at altitude.

Decisions. Decisions.
I am pretty sure I know which way Adam Craig would lean and since I base all of MY decisions off of HIS decisions (hence my sweet bike!) I think I know...but...well...who knows for sure?

Which way are YOU leaning?

1 comment:

Todd said...

come on down to San Dimas, we'll be here!