Friday, November 21, 2008


Last night's group ride was an interesting one to say the least. Trying to fight off my periodic lock up of my shoulder muscles, I stretched the wrong way and BAAMMMOOO! My shoulder and neck locked up tighter than Eric's grip on a pre-ride whopper! In great agony, I still wanted to do the group ride so I scoured the house and doug out some old pain killers (Thanks Doctor Dean Edell for letting me know that those pills never really expire!). After doubling the prescribed dossage I felt more more loopy than Goofy at Six Flaggs but the shoulder was pretty much non-existant so I thought I was ready! I showed up ready to ride and I'm not sure if me or the pace was more high than usual, but I think it was a combination of the two...we ended up riding for almost 2 hours so it was a great ride. I have noticed that the rides are increasingly becoming faster and faster...perhaps it's time for 2 groups on these rides? The Hammer us senselsess group and then another brisk group that doesn't quite have the kick of the first group, but is still plenty fast and wants to get a ride in as well. What do ya'll think?

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