Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Sometimes you run into the strangest people on your rides. Today, I had put in my "time" and was really looking forward to getting home and stepping into the HOT shower in order to thaw all of my frozen fingers, toes, and face. When along comes a smurf who used his subtle song to lure me into riding with him. "Come on, it will be fun, you can ride with me..." Conceeding, I proceed with caution. However, the ride seems pleasant. The smurf is kind and I think to myself "This was a great idea!"

And then out it came...the DRILL. Try as I may to keep up, I huffed and I puffed and I tried to blow the hill down...all to no avail. As I wheezed over the top I thought "Ah-ha! Fooled!" You would think I would have known better, since I am normally the kind hearted soul suckering other, poor, unsuspecting riders into this uncomfortable position!!!

I guess the cosmic "pay-backs" can be a bitch! Oh well, like I tell my poor suckers "It's good for you!" And I have to admit, it was.

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