Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pain and Suffering...

...a few of my favorite things! And they better be yours, too if you are planning on successfully completing the WORLD FAMOUS JOSELYN's TEAM TRAINING CAMP!!!! Ok, let's be real, it might be a NOTCH or two below world famous, but it will be epic, memorable, and all that marketing jumbo that I can espose for days on end. Get ready because it's gonna be good and it starts tomorrow. Here's my picks for tomorrow's fest:
A close battle results in:
1. Mr. Whitey to the Top First
2. A battle to the death btwn Coe Boy & Alex
3. Burnham passing EVERYONE
4. Shelly eating enough candy to choke a horse
5. Nathan pulling a HUGE Holeshot
6. The Masacre and Coe Boy wishing we were in the dirt
7. Ego's shattered and records going down faster than a $25 dolla craiglist erotic encounter...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one has commented on your blog yet, I think it is the pinkness..

Gonna be a fun sufferfest weekend! Cant wait.
