Wednesday, May 20, 2009

No Pics Yet...

I was hoping by tonight some photos from Saturday's latest race would be up. Not quite yet. However, if you check out the results page, you can get a small look at some of the carnage and devastation caused by about 200yards of steep, fast, slick downhill met by a 90 degree left hand turn and a large berm. Preeeetttty interesting!

As for me, since there were no photo's I finally succumbed to that little lizard, gecko thing...or maybe you are more familiar with the eyes on top of the money? Well, I played the "15 minutes could save you 15 bucks or more" and holy crap were they right! I saved about $450 on my homeowners!!! I'll take that sponsorship! Thanks Geico! Tomorrow night, I calculate the auto and see if I can save even more...or post some SWEET BIKING PHOTOS!

Since I don't have any bike photo's a sweet MOTO shot will have to suffice! YES!

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