Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Perfect Day...

What's the perfect day for a bike racer?

How about a sweet start where everyone is laughing at the dork with the obnoxious bull horned elephant ears off the ends of his handlebars to lighten the mood...

But soon after things turn serious, and the race face comes in as you work the bike around the course looking for every last bit of energy to squeak out a top finish!

And after working your beee-hind off, the reward of your efforts is crossing the line with some of the style you learned from watching hours of Tour de France videos this past winter while perched upon your trainer...Or maybe you just have a spanky new bike and you like to announce to everyone your unabashed love for her!

If the post ride celebration continues on to the meeting of a cute trophy girl, then all the better!

But, at the end of the day, it's the personal victory that's important. The never ending quest for "better" and few people understand our deranged obsessions more so than our family!

What a great day!

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