Friday, May 1, 2009


What a great morning! Ok, Bri might disagree that waking up at the butt-crack of dawn to go pre-ride is maybe not HER idea of the BEST morning, but it sure does the trick for me! I did get her to smile after I gave her MY new Hammer arm warmers that PERFECTLY match our Team Joselyn's kits! Ok, she may have a point that they are the "GIRLS" version, but that NEVER stopped me before! Plus, she looks great in them!

The pre-ride was fun...although I overdressed a bit and went the wrong way, but that's the best way to making some mistakes right?

The WORST part was that Bri and I ran into some "Moo - Moo's"...for those of you that don't know, Bri and I are BOTH scared of COWS!!! YIKES, THEY ARE SO BIG!!! Luckily we passed without incident!

So the course is sweet! I thought we might be headed up "Poop-Hill" because of the ribbon, but when I got up there, it looks like it will actually be the start gate for the downhill. So, according to my questionable interpretations of the course, I think we will still make the same "left" at the top and come down the "usual" single track decent. At the bottom where we have crossed the cool stream and go over the paved road we actually make a "right" and continue down the single-track to a cool grass-track/scoring section. Then across the road and up the "stairs-single-track".

Pretty much the course is awesome and if you are ANYTHING (and ESPECIALLY WON the Otter Donkey), the we will see you there tomorrow! Happy Friday!


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