Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bizarre Weather Patterns!

What gives? 2 hours ago I'm sweating away because it's 70 degrees in Carmel and now the fog is so thick I can barely find my truck! WTF! Well, on the bright side, if I can't even find my truck out there, then hopefully that evil witch meter maid can't locate it either and that will save me another fine contribution to the City of Carmel...

On a happy note, the feeling in my legs is coming back and I hope everyone that rode this past weekend is on the road to recovery. Last night my legs were so sore I couldn't even touch them...not even the magical healing powers of The Stick could do anything, I know that really is bad news, because we all know how fond I am of my Stick! Seriously though, if you haven't bought one of these funny looking little roller pins, I suggest heading down to Joselyn's and picking one up. It is probably the best $40 bucks I've spent in a while...and best of all you can continuously make juvenile jokes about your very own big stick...errr, I mean The Stick...

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